OObbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr FFoosstteerriinngg PPeerrssoonnnneell:: EEdduuccaattiioonnaall GGooaallss PPoolliiccyy oonn GGrraadduuaattiioonn aanndd tthhee AAwwaarrddiinngg ooff DDeeggrreeeess TThhee FFaaccuullttyy ooff IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSttuuddiieess ddeeffiinneess iittss oobbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr ffoosstteerriinngg ppeerrssoonnnneell aanndd eedduuccaattiioonnaall ggooaallss,, aass ffoolllloowwss,, bbaasseedd oonn tthhee oobbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr ffoosstteerriinngg ppeerrssoonnnneell aanndd eedduuccaattiioonnaall ggooaallss ooff MMeeiijjii GGaakkuuiinn UUnniivveerrssiittyy.. The ultimate educational goal of the Faculty of International Studies is to cultivate people who understand the various aspects of contemporary society and will contribute to world peace and people’s harmonious co-existence. To that end, we set ourselves the following educational goals: 1) To deepen our understanding of Japanese society, in which we live. 2) To aim for understanding of the diversity of global society and the realization of peace. 3) To approach themes in regional society from a perspective combining politics, economics and culture. 4) To foster a consciousness that seeks to identify and solve social problems, and the ability to communicate findings. Based on thus-acquired knowledge, we aim to foster human beings who can cooperate with people of different backgrounds in grappling with the various problems of a society stratified by globalization. BBaasseedd oonn tthhee ppoolliiccyy oonn ggrraadduuaattiioonn aanndd tthhee aawwaarrddiinngg ooff ddeeggrreeeess ooff MMeeiijjii GGaakkuuiinn UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, aanndd sseeeekkiinngg ttoo ffoosstteerr hhuummaann bbeeiinnggss wwhhoo mmeeeett tthhee ffaaccuullttyy’’ss oobbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr ffoosstteerriinngg ppeerrssoonnnneell aanndd eedduuccaattiioonnaall ggooaallss,, tthhee FFaaccuullttyy ooff IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSttuuddiieess ddeeffiinneess iittss ccoonnddiittiioonnss ffoorr ppeerrmmiittttiinngg ggrraadduuaattiioonn aanndd aawwaarrddiinngg ddeeggrreeeess aass ffoolllloowwss.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoo bbeeiinngg eennrroolllleedd ffoorr tthhee ssttiippuullaatteedd ppeerriioodd ooff ttiimmee,, aanndd hhaavviinngg aaccqquuiirreedd tthhee ssttiippuullaatteedd nnuummbbeerr ooff ccrreeddiittss,, ssttuuddeennttss aarree aallssoo eexxppeecctteedd ttoo hhaavvee aaccqquuiirreedd tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aabbiilliittiieess.. 1. By taking the various courses provided under the combined Meiji Gakuin curriculum, and the specialized courses provided by the faculty, students are expected to acquire basic academic skills, to understand Japanese society and the various political, economic and cultural issues that transcend national borders, and to acquire the general power to grapple with problems specific to regional societies. 2. To grasp and analyze the complex problems arising in globalized society, and acquire the ability to search for solutions to those problems. 3. To communicate, in English and other languages, with people of different backgrounds from around the world, and to acquire the ability to work cooperatively with them. 4. To form bonds of mutual association with society outside the university, acquiring a broad vision and a rich humanity. 74 94The Faculty of International Studies
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