OObbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr FFoosstteerriinngg PPeerrssoonnnneell:: EEdduuccaattiioonnaall GGooaallss TThhee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff GGlloobbaall aanndd TTrraannssccuullttuurraall SSttuuddiieess ddeeffiinneess iittss oobbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr ffoosstteerriinngg ppeerrssoonnnneell aanndd eedduuccaattiioonnaall ggooaallss aass ffoolllloowwss,, bbaasseedd oonn tthhee oobbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr ffoosstteerriinngg ppeerrssoonnnneell aanndd eedduuccaattiioonnaall ggooaallss ooff tthhee FFaaccuullttyy ooff IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSttuuddiieess.. While cultivating a general ability to understand the various problems of global society in terms of the fields of politics, economics and culture, the Department of Global and Transcultural Studies seeks to foster personnel who have acquired the ability to communicate in multiple languages, to cooperate with people living in a variety of environments, and to exercise leadership. PPoolliiccyy oonn GGrraadduuaattiioonn aanndd tthhee AAwwaarrddiinngg ooff DDeeggrreeeess BBaasseedd oonn tthhee ppoolliiccyy oonn ggrraadduuaattiioonn aanndd tthhee aawwaarrddiinngg ooff ddeeggrreeeess ooff tthhee FFaaccuullttyy ooff IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSttuuddiieess,, aanndd sseeeekkiinngg ttoo ffoosstteerr hhuummaann bbeeiinnggss wwhhoo mmeeeett tthhee ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt’’ss oobbjjeeccttiivveess ffoorr ffoosstteerriinngg ppeerrssoonnnneell aanndd eedduuccaattiioonnaall ggooaallss,, tthhee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff GGlloobbaall aanndd TTrraannssccuullttuurraall SSttuuddiieess ddeeffiinneess iittss ccoonnddiittiioonnss ffoorr ppeerrmmiittttiinngg ggrraadduuaattiioonn aanndd aawwaarrddiinngg ddeeggrreeeess aass ffoolllloowwss.. SSttuuddeennttss aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ccoommpplleettee tthhee ssttiippuullaatteedd ppeerriioodd ooff ttiimmee eennrroolllleedd aatt tthhee uunniivveerrssiittyy,, aaccqquuiirree aatt lleeaasstt 113300 ccrreeddiittss,, aanndd mmaasstteerr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ccaappaabbiilliittiieess aass ccoonnddiittiioonnss ffoorr ggrraadduuaattiinngg aanndd rreecceeiivviinngg aa ddeeggrreeee.. 1. By taking the various courses provided under the specialized courses provided by the department and the combined Meiji Gakuin curriculum, students are expected to acquire basic academic skills, and the ability to understand international politics, economics and society, along with specific areas of culture and history; and thereby to acquire the ability to analyse the problems that arise in global society, and to search for solutions to those problems. 2. Students are expected to acquire the ability to engage freely in communication in English and various other languages including Japanese, enabling them to engage in co-operative projects with people from all over the world. 3. Based on their experiences in project-based learning, service learning, overseas study and domestic and international internships, students are expected to acquire the ability to act in accordance with group objectives and exercise leadership. 4. Students are expected to acquire the ability to grasp and analyse the role of Japan in global society. 5. Students are expected to develop a tolerant humanity capable of constructing strong human relations in a multicultural context. 77 97
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