CChhaarrtt 11:: CCrreeddiittss nneecceessssaarryy ffoorr ggrraadduuaattiioonn aanndd ddeettaaiillss ooff tthheeiirr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn Abbreviations: Cred. = Credits; Comp. = Compulsory; Elect. = Elective, C/E = Compulsory Elective Category Meiji Gakuin Common Courses I (Compulsory Courses) Introduction to Christianity Comp. A 4 Intensive Japanese or Foreign Language Academic English Program (AEP) AEP I AEP II Departmental Classes: Lower Division Seminar Courses Lecture Courses (Lower Division) Departmental Classes: Upper Division Lecture Courses: Upper Division Seminars and Practica 83 106Type Comp. C 20 Elect. D 28 Comp. E 4 Elect. F 16 Comp. G 2 Elect. H 24 Comp. I 2 Cred. “Introduction to Christianity 1” and “Introduction to Christianity 2” are both required. 2 credits each for a total of 4 credits. Students learning Japanese take Intensive Japanese, other students choose a foreign language (French, Chinese, German, Spanish, Korean). 8 credits required in total. GTS faculty will decide which students need to take Intensive Japanese. ⒶⒶ C/E B 8 Required classes for first and second year students. Classes offered for each of the four years. AEP faculty will test students’ ability and decide which students can take Departmental Courses in place of some AEP II courses. A minimum of 28 credits are required. Any additional credits count towards the “free zone” category (L, below). “Introductory Seminar” (4 credits) Students choose from the two-credit and four-credit lower-division lecture courses. Any additional credits count towards the AEP II category (D, above). “Life and Career Development” (2 credits) ⒷⒷ Choose from the two-credit and four-credit upper-division lecture courses. Any additional credits count towards the AEP II category (D, above). “Graduation Seminar” (2 credits). Students choose either “Graduation Project A” (4 credits) or “Graduation Project B” (4 credits). C/E J 4 Note
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