2021年度 明治学院大学履修要項(国際学部)

・ Contemporary Global Issues AとContemporary Global Issues BおよびWorkshopは、担当者が異なれば、卒業要件として複数回修得することができる。 KCGEN KCCUL KCSOC KCECO KCPOL 96 119Course name 201 Workshop 202 Contemporary Global Issues A 203 Contemporary Global Issues B 204 Qualitative Methods 205 Quantitative Methods 206 Advanced Research Analysis 301 *Life and Career Development 201 Buddhist Culture 202 203 204 205 Modern East Asian History 206 Visual Media Methods 207 Translation and Interpretation A 208 Translation and Interpretation B 209 210 211 Contemporary Global History 212 Advanced Japanese 1A 213 Advanced Japanese 1B 214 Advanced Japanese 2A 215 Advanced Japanese 2B 216 Career Japanese A 217 Career Japanese B 201 202 Gender and Society 203 204 Social Change and Planning(Service Learning) 205 Contemporary Japanese Society 206 Gender and Body 201 202 203 Contemporary Japanese Economy A 204 Contemporary Japanese Economy B 205 Chinese Economy 206 Regional Economic Integration 207 Behavioral Economics and Public Policy 208 Economy of South East Asia A 209 Special Topics in Economics 210 Labor Economics and Public Policy A 211 Labor Economics and Public Policy B 212 Social Entrepreneurship 201 202 Peace Studies Islamic Culture Japanese Literature Inter-Cultural History Japanese Popular Culture A Japanese Popular Culture B International Journalism Japanese Minority Groups International Finance International Political Economy International Disputes Settlement Procedures 科目名 Credits 単位数 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2

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