108Course name科目名KCSEM203Internship(Practicum)BKCSEM204Internship(Practicum)CKCSEM205Independent Study AKCSEM206Independent Study BKCSEM207Independent Study CKCSEM208Field Study AKCSEM209Field Study BKCGEN301Life and Career DevelopmentKCSEM301Research ProjectKCSEM401Project SeminarKCSEM402Graduation SeminarKCSEM403Graduation Project AKCSEM404Graduation Project B・ The double-degree system allows students to get credit for courses taken at Meiji Gakuin University and at another designated university. If students satisfy the graduation requirements of both universities, they are able to receive a degree from both universities. A detailed explanation of the system will be provided separately.・ ダブル・ディグリー制度において、明治学院大学および指定された他大学での一定必要単位を修得する事により、両大学の卒業要件修了を認め双方の大学の学位を取得する事ができる。詳細は別途案内するので、ダブル・ディグリー希望者は掲示等を見逃さないこと。・ GTS does not allow students in their final year to retake an examination in order to fulfill the requirements of credits needed to graduate. Students should take personal responsibility to plan their enrollment carefully to ensure that they have obtained all the credits required for graduation. Note that the “retake” examination (saishiken) referred to here is not the same as the “make-up” examination (tsuishiken). (Make-ups can be requested in cases such as when a student is ill and unable to take an examination.)・ 本学科においては、卒業判定に際して必要な単位を充たせなかった学生に対する救済的試験(いわゆる「再試験」)に類する制度は設けていない。各自の責任において、卒業に必要な単位の修得に遺漏のないよう、履修計画を慎重に立てること。Ⅳ. Double-degree system ダブル・ディグリー制度Ⅴ. Retaking Examinations 再試験
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