2022年度 明治学院大学履修要項(国際学部)

24214214222244121Course nameField Study Seminar201Internship(Practicum)A202Internship(Practicum)B203Internship(Practicum)C204Independent Study A205Independent Study B206Independent Study C207Field Study A208Field Study B209Research Project301Project Seminar401402*Graduation Seminar403Graduation Project A404Graduation Project B科目名Credits単位数・  卒業プロジェクト(Graduation Project A or B)を完成させるために、学生は特定の教員のGraduation Seminarを最終学期(第8学期)に履修する。なお、卒業プロジェクトの準備には通常1年以上かかるため、第6セメスターと第7セメスターにおいて留学中でない場合、3年次(第6セメスター)においてはResearch Project(2単位)、そして4年次(第7セメスター)においてはProject Seminar(2単位)の履修が要求される。KCSEM(3)Chart 2: Curriculum Tree (The Sequencing of Lower and Upper Division Courses)    履修系統図(初級科目と上級科目の関係)・ The Curriculum Tree uses the term “recommended prerequisites” to indicate Lower Division courses that should be taken before enrolling in specific Upper Division classes. (AEP and Japanese language classes are not included in the chart. See the relevant pages for explanation about enrollment in AEP in Japanese language classes.)・ Course names printed in a light color are recommended prerequisites. This chart can be used in two different ways to plan your studies. One is to begin by looking for Upper Division courses that interest you, check what Lower Division courses are recommended prerequisites, and then decide which courses to register for. The other way is to find Lower Division courses that interest you, check which Upper Division courses they are listed as recommended prerequisites, then decide which courses to register for. Using the curriculum tree in this way will help you understand the connections between Lower and Upper Division courses. These connections are indicated by arrows between Lower and Upper Division course. ・ It is possible to register for an Upper Division course without having taken the related Lower Division course. Finally, you are encouraged to take courses like Current Affairs A or Current Affairs B that are not shown in the curriculum tree.・  123ページの履修系統図は、特定の上級科目を履修するまえに、履修しておくことが望ましい初級科目を“recommended prerequisites”として示している(ただし、この表にはAEPと日本語関係科目は掲載されていない。履修の仕方はそれぞれの該当ページを確認してほしい)。・  薄い色がついている科目が“recommended prerequisites”である。二つの方向からこの図を使うことができる。一つは、最初に興味がある上級科目を探し、その上級科目の“recommended prerequisites”になってい

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