2023年度 明治学院大学 履修要項(国際学部)

122322113・  【支援実践参加の学び】「多文化共生ファシリテーター」の認証に必要な支援実践の場への参加を希望する者は、★印の「多文化共生各論1・2」(合計4単位)を履修してください。  *明治学院共通科目のほとんどは日本語で開講される。The courses with “*”mark before the course number are compulsory. You are required to take them.科目番号の前に「*」印が付されている科目は必修科目である。全ての学生が、必ず単位を修得しなければならない。【A】 Meiji Gakuin University General Education Courses I (for a list of Meiji Gakuin University General Education Courses Ⅱ, see pages 53 to 61)【A. 明治学院共通科目Ⅰ(必修科目) (明治学院共通科目Ⅱ(選択科目)については、53-61ページを参照。)】1.Introduction to Christianity キリスト教科目 ・  “Introduction to Christianity” is a course required of all students in the university. It is taught to GTS students in English. It is taught over two semesters. Each part counts for 2 credits. Students must earn 4 credits. April-admission students take this course in their first and second semester of study. September-admission students take it in their second and third semester.・ 全学必修のキリスト教関連科目は1と2をそれぞれ2単位、計4単位を修得しなければならない。4月入学生は第1学期と第2学期に履修する。他方、9月入学生は、第2学期と第3学期に履修する。Semester of study 配当セメスターApril adm. Sept. adm.4月入学9月入学2.Foreign language classes 外国語科目 (excluding “Intensive Japanese”)・  GTS students whose first or strongest language is Japanese must earn 8 credits in a foreign language other than English. ・  They must choose a single language from a choice of five (French, Chinese, German, Spanish, or Korean) and earn all 8 credits for courses in that language. Further details of how to take classes are given in note B and C to Chart 1 above.・  Students who wish to select a language other than English that they have already studied before entering MGU must consult with Academic Affairs Division(Kyomu-ka). After consultation, those who are permitted to do so will take 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B as required elective courses instead of 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B in the languages shown in the diagram below.・  When the names of language courses are marked A or B, this means that you should enroll for both part A and B, which are taught by the same teacher in the same period. Course name*MGCHR101 Introduction to Christianity 1(キリスト教の基礎A)*MGCHR102 Introduction to Christianity 2(キリスト教の基礎B)科目名Credits単位数Offered開講学期Spring 春Fall 秋Ⅷ. Overview of classes 授業科目一覧

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