2024年度 明治学院大学 履修要項(国際学部)

22222222222222222222222(2)Lecture Courses 講義科目・ You need a total of 16 or more credits for Lower Division Lecture Courses.・  You are allowed to get credit for Current Affairs A or Current Affairs B more than once provided that the course is taught by an instructor other than the instructor who taught you before.・  Current Affair credits earned through the TEFL Short-term Study Abroad Program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa are not included in the annual limit on registered credits.・ 初級科目群の講義科目については、合計で16単位以上を修得しなければならない。・  Current Affairs A およびCurrent Affairs Bについては、担当者が異なれば、卒業要件単位として複数回修得することができる。・  ハワイ大学マノア校TEFL短期留学プログラムで修得したCurrent Affairsの単位は、年間履修上限単位数に含めない。KCGENKCCULKCSOCKCECOKCPOL3.Departmental Courses: Upper Division 上級科目(1)Lecture Courses 講義科目・  It is compulsory to take Life and Career Development (2 credits) in this category. Credits earned while studying abroad may be counted toward this category.・ You must earn 26 credits for upper-division lecture courses.・  Students may get credit for Contemporary Global Issues A, Contemporary Global Issues B and Workshop more than once as long as the classes are offered by different professors.Course name101Information Literacy102Current Affairs A103Current Affairs B104Internship(Lecture)101Global History A102Global History B103Intercultural Communication104Japanese Culture A105Japanese Culture B106Transcultural Studies107Introduction to Area Studies101Introduction to Sociology A102Introduction to Sociology B103Community Development (Service Learning)104Introduction to Social Anthropology101Introduction to Economics A102Introduction to Economics B104Labor Market in the Global Economy101Introduction to Political Science102Introduction to International Relations103International Law A104International Law B105Comparative Politics and Policy科目名Credits単位数119

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