2024年度 明治学院大学 履修要項(国際学部)

・  Independent Study A, B, Cの履修を希望する学生は、事前にアカデミック・アドバイザーおよび学科主任の助言を受けなければならない。Independent Study A, B, Cは、担当者が異なれば、卒業要件単位として複数回修得することができる。b) Study Abroad 海外留学 ・  Credits earned while studying abroad can be counted towards the credits needed for graduation, provided that they are earned for a course compatible with in the GTS curriculum. Courses are denoted as “Study Abroad Program (names of course categories in parentheses)”. The maximum possible number of credits in a study-abroad program is 60 credits. Your Academic Adviser will help you in deciding where to study abroad. While a student in enrolled in a study-abroad program, assistance in academic matters will be provided by the full-time faculty member who is your Academic Adviser, while assistance in non-academic matters will be provided by the staff of the faculty office.・  海外留学で修得した単位は、本学科で提供している科目に内容がほぼ該当する科目であれば、その内容を精査した上で可能な限り卒業要件単位として認定する。認定科目の表記は「Study Abroad Program(カッコ内は科目区分名称)」となる。単位認定の上限は60単位とする。・  アカデミック・アドバイザーが留学先の選定について助言をする。留学中の学習については、アカデミック・アドバイザーである専任教員が支援をし、学習以外のことについては本学部事務室の職員が支援をする。c) Graduation Seminar and Graduation Project・  The compulsory “Graduation Seminar” (2 credits) is usually taken in your last semester of study. This involves study with a professor who will direct you as you complete work on your “Graduation Project” (4 credits). You have a choice between two types. “Graduation Project A” requires you to submit a thesis in English of 6,000 words or more, while “Graduation Project B” requires submission of non-traditional media, such as a web-site, software, a film, DVD, or designs, together with a thesis in English of 5,000 words or more explaining the project.・The evaluation criteria for the Grad Project A: ・Is it structured and formatted as a research paper? ・Are the topic and research method clearly stated? ・Are the research results based on suitable materials and data? ・Does it have the originality of a research paper? ・Are the contents written clearly and logically? ・Are the reference materials appropriate and accurately cited? ・The evaluation criteria for the Grad Project B (in addition to the points for a Project A):・Does the media presentation provide further insights into the project?・Can the media presentation stand as an independent work?・Does the media presentation have a clear and logical structure?・Are there new data created just for the media presentation?・If necessary, does the presentation protect the privacy of interviewees? ・Is data appropriate and checked for accuracy?・  Students have to take “Graduation Seminar” taught by one specific professor at the last semester (the 8th semester) to complete Graduation Project A or B. In general, it takes more than a year to complete a “Graduation Project” so that you are required to take “Research Project” (2 credits) in the 6th semester and “Project Seminar” (2 credits) at the 7th semester unless you are studying abroad.123

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